Local businesses and residents of the Tri-State area are fortunate to have access to some of the world’s best electrical services; BIECA offers those quality services. From larger scale projects, street lighting designs and skyscrapers, to smaller projects in your home and office, it is necessity to know that your contractors are economical and safe with their practices. BIECA members, local contractors and builders, provide improved quality electrical work through their modern, perfectly executed, and reasonably priced service throughout each phase of business. Over the years, BIECA’s major projects include various public buildings, convenience stores, residential complexes, fast food restaurants, factories, bridges, tunnels, Interstate highways, and various projects with The New York City Transit Authority. When choosing an electrical contractor, you look for quality work that is paired with affordability. BIECA recognizes this and delivers, by
maintaining trained staff with economically based principles. Having an experienced and loyal workforce standing behind your project, you can count on quality being priority. BIECA stands behind their highly regarded reputation.

Copyright 2013. Building Industry Electrical Contractors Association . All rights reserved.

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